Rare elephants are reportedly found only to the west of Mandalay, but oxen, dogs, birds and grey squirrels still populate Burma in large numbers.
Humpback oxen here are not sacred; they pull carts and ploughs on the banks of the Irrawaddy River, made very fertile by the silt deposited by the river.
Tigers still inhabit Burma, in the remote Hukaung Valley, so told me a young man on the steps of a temple in Mingun. We talked about our countries, using pencils. Finally we exchanged our drawings: An Eiffel Tower for a tiger. It was a nice meeting between two people who communicated in a simple and universal language.
Cet article ne constitue pas une étude scientifique mais des impressions ressenties dans ce magnifique pays où mon trisaïeul Louis-Barthélémy Morin vécut de 1870 à 1878.
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